Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who won the first war changing battle?

Post #1
The first battle that changed the war was the battle of Crecy. Crecy is a city in the northern part of France. Crecy is in the top right corner of France where the water separates England and France. The English won the first battle that actually changed the war and it was the battle of Crecy. The Battle of Crecy that the English won, a the leaders of the English were Edward the III and his son The Black Prince. The Hundred Years' War was the longest battle and biggest Conflict in history so far!!! I WONDER HOW PEOPLE CAN FIGHT FOR A LITTLE OVER 100 YEARS'!?!! The battle was taken place all over France. The English and France won an equal amount of wars during the hundred years.

I feel bad for the people that had lost their land during the war because most of them probably never go the land back. Their was no certain spot during the war which means a lot of people in different areas of France had lost their land. The win of this war was big for the  English because they gained more land for their country. The French were trying to protect the rest of their land after this attack.

                                      This is a picture of Crecy (city in France) where the English
                                    had defeated the French to win the battle of Crecy. Which was
                                    a big battle during the Hundred Years' War.

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